How Commercial Tree Care Can Help Your Establishment Look Great This Summer

Building with low trees

When you run a business, you want to do everything to represent your brand well, and this includes how your property looks to the public. Commercial tree care services can play a critical role in enhancing your professional image because they maintain your landscape so that it appears vibrant and healthy. The following are some […]

Protect Your Yard By Removing Abandoned Stumps

very old tree stump

Abandoned tree stumps can become hazards over time. Leaving them to stand on your property can lead to an unsightly tangle of weeds and brush. Pests, from rodents to raccoons, can move into a stump. If you forget it’s there, it can do a great deal of damage to your mower, and flying chunks of […]

Ready for Winter: Outdoor Christmas Tree Safety Tips From Professionals

Blue color star effect Christmas decoration lights on spruce tree glowing at night.

The holiday season is almost upon us, and chances are you’re just itching to get into the Christmas spirit. It’s never too early to start decorating for the holidays, and you might even be considering setting up an outdoor Christmas tree. Businesses using outdoor Christmas trees must also be mindful of how their decorations may […]

Tree Problems and Concerns During the Fall

Professional gardener pruning a tree

Around this time of the year, trees signal their changes. Many tree types drop leaves as the temperature cools and they prepare to go dormant. This process is completely natural, but some other indications aren’t. Autumn is also the time to think about winterizing your trees. There are several issues concerning your trees that you […]

How to Handle the Removal of Large Trees and Obstacles

Old abandoned villa house in the jungle overgrown with trees and plants after war

Although the removal of a tree is distinctly a loss, it is sometimes necessary. They can succumb to disease, insect infestation, drought, and even old age. A dead or dying tree is a danger on your property, and its removal is unavoidable. Summer is the perfect time to carry out this project. Whether the tree […]

Top Five Tips to Keep Your Tree Alive and Healthy This Springtime

Heart shape in the forest canopy.

Spring is an essential time of the year for trees as they begin to wake up from their winter dormancy and prepare for a new season of growth. Keeping trees healthy during this period is crucial for their overall well-being. Here are some tips on how to keep trees healthy during spring. 1. Inspect Trees […]

Signs That Your Tree May Be Dangerous or in Danger

Large white oak tree punctures roof on house

As trees are living things, they are subject to diseases, pests, and eventually, death. Often, there are things you can do to keep your trees healthy and help them live what is often a very long life. Here are some signs to look for that may indicate that your tree is in trouble. Branches That […]

3 Ideas for Decorating Your Outdoor Trees for the Holidays

Trees tightly wrapped in LED lights for the Christmas holidays. Each tree is wrapped in one color.

During the holiday season, you may want to get into the Christmas spirit by decorating some of your outdoor trees. In order for them to really become a focal point in your yard, you need to decorate them the right way. If you aren’t sure where to start, here are some wonderful ideas to decorate […]

Fall Is Not a Good Time to Prune Trees

gardener pruning fruit trees with pruning shears

If pruning your trees is on your list of chores that need to be done around the home, it might be tempting to get it over and done with as soon as the leaves begin to fall. Although fall might seem to be the best time to prune trees, Hampton Roads Tree & Brush Removal […]